Comment: Thank you so much for sharing your interesting story. :)
Sorry for the delay! Going through my 'sents' as I realized I'm missing one or two things I should have received, which led to my realizing I'd not rated a couple I DID receive.
Comment: Thanks for the 2 touristy postcards from Belgium even though I really hate touristy postcards and this swap was supposed to be 1 postcard written and stamped based on profile preferences. But I will be kind and not rate you a 3 for not meeting the swap requirements. :)
Comment: Thank you so much for sharing these memories with me <3 I love learning about others lives regardless of the tone of their memories. I hope all is well with you, and that this swap provided a good way to work through some stuff for you! I definitely relate to some of what you have been through. Stay safe! -Al (PS- dont worry, you didnt offend and I dont offend easily :) )
Comment: Hey friend, i am going to write you BACK!!!!!!!! Thank you for your awesome diary entry. I hope you wont mind mine? Happy postcrossing. Your friend, Harley.
Response: Hey, there thank you so much for your response! I appreciate it so much ā¤ļø I would not mind at all
Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļø
Comment: Hi Babette! This postcard is the best! I love it so much! Easily the most interesting card I have ever received in my 2 years of swappingļ¼Thanks for the super fun card āŗļø