Comment: Although I've been to Canberra many times on various school excursions to Parliament House, I've never seen it the way you showed it to me! I loved the "strike a pose" exhibit brochure, and all your pics of the interesting little shops around Braddon.
Thankyou for a lovely day out, and extra special thanks for the gorgeous leather ring!
Response: Cheers Beth, I'm glad you liked it! Sorry I'm not in Venice or somewhere more exotic, but I'm on a quest to find the Style in Canberra!
Comment: The chocolate is recovering in the fridge and I had to try the red skin right away. Yum! I have had the double "D" s before. they are not to strong but still good for your throat. and by all this rambling I mean to say thank you, great job on this swap 8)
Comment: Very creative use of tape! You must have tons of paitence to have made this neat bag, lining up all those stripes. The little pink animals tape is adorable, I had to fend off both of my nieces when they first saw itĆ¢ā¢Ā„
Comment: I LOVE my beautiful new black & white fabric handbag!!! It is just perfect and I will start using it right away. Thank you Lisa for this wonderful gift.