Comment: Christie, I received your letter today but it was sent on 1st March when you told me it was sent 'the day of the deadline, possibly a day late' - the deadline was 18th February so you in fact sent it 11 days late! You also sent it to the wrong address - 88 instead of 68.
I've changed the rating from 1 to 3 as at least I received something but you sent it very late, lied about when you sent it and you sent it to the wrong address!
Comment: Christie, whilst your letter was lovely I HAVE to rate you this way because of how late it was. You told our swap co-ord that you had contacted me to explain that the swap would be late which you didn't. You marked as sent 16 days after the deadline, so it's not like you didn't have time to drop me a quick email. I understand that life gets in the way but still.
However I do like the sound of you so I will reply to your letter. Just let people know what's going on in future.