Hearts ratings for nyssa
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Response: Yay! I love it when regular chocolate bars are changed with new flavours, so I was hoping you'd like them. I'm pleased they arrived in one piece as well!
Response: So pleased you like them, Honey Jumbles are my favourite! I'm also happy they arrived, the postal worker gave me a hard time but I stood my ground!! :D
Response: So happy you liked them!
Response: You are most welcome, many thanks for your understand on my late posting <3
Response: I'm so pleased you liked them! I'm guessing the Tim Tams came through okay? We should do a cookie swap sometime!
Response: Hooray! So happy you're enjoying your package!
Response: Hooray! I really hope the Curly Wurlys didn't melt, they're some of my favourites :)
Response: I'm so glad you liked them! The Natural Confectionary Company (TNCC) who make the dinosaurs make all these great natural candies they are extremely popular!
Response: I had so much fun! This was my very first swap, thank you for organising it!