Do you like thoughtful swaps? Then this one is a swap for you...a tiny thoughtful swap:-)
The rules:
It´s an international swap...2 people from each country are allowed to join! Please post your country below!
You have 2 partners, to both you send a small 1-stamp-envie (around 30g = 1 oz)
Write a short letter on a DIN A5 sheet or use a notecard (you also can write more :-)) to your partner, make it personal and write more than 3 sentences. You can write about your day, your dreams, about a book,....your choice!
Write a list with 3 questions (What do you see, when you look out of the window, whats on your pizza,...etc) and send this questions too! When you got your swap, please write back to your partner and answer the questions on the list! You can use a notecard as well, or cute staionery, etc Add your addy too!!!
So....both of you are smiling in the end :-)
Add some small goodies your partner would like to recieve...stickersheets, teabags, ATC´s, recipecards, small envies, ephemera!
Make this swap with joy and try to make your partner happy:-)
Rate your partner, when you got the swap! Then, after rating, please be honest and reliable and answer the questions you got with the swap in the next 15 days! When you don´t got back the answers, it would be really really sad and I hope so much that this don´t happen to you!
I will watch all profiles and when I am not sure that you are honest and reliable, I will ban you!