Swap-bot Time: February 22, 2025 2:34 am


Date Joined: February 2, 2009
Last Online: February 11, 2009

Country: United Kingdom

About Me

I like things that will make me look twice. Jewellery. Stars strpies and funky patterns. I wish I could sew but I don't have the patience. I think I might learn to knit. Glitter makes me smile. I love making my own things- I try not to throw a thing away. I love eating chocolate but it doesn't make me feel any better like people believe. I like hearing peoples songs. I like childish drawings. Singing loudly to songs, and sometimes getting caught at work not knowing the words. Stickers are really great. I like it when things smell or taste like a colour. Nail varnish has many uses. Clothes, I love dressing up. Creepy puppets, but those horrible old dolls scare me. As do rabbits. They make me cry. Sneezing makes me laugh a lot. I like it when it snows, it makes me feel more creative, like I have only got a short time to do things in. Really bright colours that clash in a way that works. Rainbows. Goth, cyber, punk, hippy, boho extreme styles interest me. I adore cats. I am going to end up like the crazy cat lady off the simpsons when I am older. I love photography, but I really do think that people call themselves a photographer because they can take a picture in black and white! I love my job, I work in a crystal shop and I'm really into them. Intelligent people are the way forward. Everybody should keep a scrap book. I have a dead butterfly glued to one of the pages in mine. I am a vegetarian and meat eating and all animal cruelty gets my fires going. I like fluffy things. Dancing untill I am dropping of thirst and am red with sweat. I keep a book of random parts of people's conversations that I hear in a notebook. Stuff. I like stuff...


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AndrewLips on Mar 21, 2009:


I've just made my first swap for people to join!


please join!! xx although you are a newbie, if you promise to do this ill let you join, but you have to make sure you send off the items on time or else i'll get poorly rated and so will you! xx

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