All ratings for Xira
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Response: Ahum, ik ben blij dat de vlop bevalt maar begrijp het ook als je jouw rating wijzigt. Ik was totaal niet geïnspireerd, gewoon niet my-cup-of-tea dit. Hopelijk maken de vlop en brief dat goed...Je kunt het dus gewoon veilig al openmaken:) groetjes!
Response: Ah fijn! Dank voor de lieve rating + hart!
Response: Happy world postcard day! Did it really arrive today? That is so much fun! Thanks for the sweet rating. Groetjes Barbara
Response: Oh fijn dat je er blij mee bent! Dank voor de lieve comment en het hartje:)
Response: Dank, lief! En toen ik jouw berichtje zag bedacht ik ook dat ik een swap was vergeten te raten... Gebeurt ons allemaal wel eens dus :) Groetjes Barbara
Response: Wat een lief berichtje! Dankjewel voor deze rating en hart. Ik zit heel hard te denken welke ik ook alweer heb gestuurd maar volgens mij heb ik gewerkt met stencils en structuurpasta en inkten. Ik vind deze swaps zo leuk! Groetjes Barbara
Response: So glad you like it, have a great day!
Response: So happy it arrived and you like it! Thanks for the sweet words and the heart!!
Groetjes Barbara
Response: I do too:) Thanks so much for the heart! Have a good day and stay safe! Groetjes Barbara
Response: Thanks so much for your sweet words:) groetjes Barbara
Response: Jaaaaa, haha, dat was postbode Barbara. Graag gedaan :) Groetjes!
Response: Thanks! Say safe! Groetjes Barbara
Response: Yes, mail is still working fast I see. So happy it arrived! I forgot to tell, both works were in cooperation with my girls. I always think it makes them more interesting :) groetjes Barbara
Response: Hi! So glad it arrived and you are happy! Sure we can exchange some snailmail, it will be fun. Let’s just hope planes keep flying over the ocean and otherwise we’ll just have to wait and honour the snail in snailmail 😁
Response: Dank voor de lieve rating! De bloemendame komt volgens mij uit Daphne’s Diary ... of de Happinez. Ik heb bij de bieb ooit een afgeschreven boek gekocht uit 1890 over Nederlandse Letterkunde. Daar gebruik ik zo vaak iets uit, helemaal fijn voor vintage thema’s. Heel fijn weekend!
Response: Wat een lieve comment! Blij dat je blij bent! Ik had maar een fatsoenlijke paperclip dus ik doe niet mee aan die swap maar wilde het zo graag proberen:) Groetjes Barbara
Response: Oh wow, indeed it must have been... she has been travelling for months!!! I am glad she arrived, I had so much fun collaging her. So happy you are happy:) Have a great day!
Response: Hi! As I read this again (thanks for the sweet rating and the heart!) I am so curious what stories were written. Are they online somewhere?
Response: Waaah, gefeliciteerd! In Breda? In ieder geval dank voor je rating en hartje. Veel voorpret gewenst:)
Response: Thanks so much!!! When I was young I also had a penpal named Barbara... only she lived just one town away:) So yes, let’s be penpals, I am not always quick but I will always reply. Have a great weekend!! Groetjes Barbara
PS What did the stationary look like? I have only made a photo of the envelope....
Response: Thanks for the rating and heart❤️ At first I was not sure I liked it. It was slow and weird. But I realized I was intrigued and wanted to keep reading to see how the story would evolve. There were 3 books in the series. In the end I was sad I had to say goodbye to the characters...:)
Response: So glad you like it and that it all arrived! Thanks for your sweet words and rating! I was thinking of you when I heard about the quake, so glad to read on your profile all is okay. Well, new mail is already on it’s way to you:) groetjes Barbara
Response: Thanks so much! I will tell her of course:) Best wishes!
Response: So happy you liked it all! Thanks for the â¤ï¸ !!
Response: Thanks for the sweet rating! The envelope was a plain one with a Daphne's Diary magazine page glued on it:) Have a great day!
Response: Dank voor de lieve rating! Ik ben inderdaad actief geweest op het postcrossing forum en heb ooit een meeting georganiseerd in Breda. Dat moet het zijn😊 Fijne avond!
Response: So glad you like it! Have a great weekend!
Response: I am so glad! Thanks for your sweet words and the ⤠Have a great weekend! Groetjes Barbara
Response: Dank voor â¤ï¸! Ik heb ze niet allemaal gevonden trouwens :) Fijn weekend!
Response: Thanks so much for your sweet comment and the hearts:) puts a smile on my face every time I read it!
Response: Thanks for the heart(s) 😋 and your sweet words. The kids are still enjoying the Sinterklaas-time, the shoes are ready to be filled again. Have a great weekend!
Response: Awww, you make me blush, thank you so much for this sweet rating!
Response: Thank you so much Valerie, your words and hearts mean a lot me! Also thanks for the follow, we can keep in touch and I hope to swap again also..... And of course.... Banners😠Have a great week! Groetjes Barbara
Response: So happy to read your sweet comments and that you like it all! That is why I love this so much, spreading joy all over the world! And thank you for all the hearts ðŸ˜ðŸ˜˜
Response: Dankjewel! Het was nieuwe lijm... Die gebruik ik dus niet meer... Dank voor de lieve rating â¤ï¸
Response: You are welcome. And thank you for the heart, that makes me so happy!
Response: It was a pleasure. Thanks for the heart dear!
Response: Wat lief, dankâ˜ºï¸ Ik vind het zeker leuk om te private swappen, gezellig! Fijne dag!
Response: Thank you so much for your sweet comment and rating/heart!
Response: Hi! Gelukkig is ie aangekomen...! Blij dat je er blij mee bent😄 Fijn weekend!
Response: Thank you so much Barboraâ¤ï¸
Response: You are so welcome!😘
Response: Yay! Thank you for the heartâ¤ï¸ The postcrossing stickers are from Taiwan. Just become a member of the Namestickers Taiwan group on Facebook. Info also available in English. Have a great day! Groetjes Barbara
Response: Yes! Thanks for the â¤ï¸ dear!
Response: Yay!!! Thanks for the â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Response: You are so strong... I didn't wait:) Thank you so much for the heart! Have a great weekend!
Response: Gelukkig! Bedankt voor het hartje:)
Response: I will! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating! I have not got much time to check up on ratings so I did not even notice yet😄 Have a great weekend!
Response: Yay! Thank you so much for the nice rating and comment, we had so much fun creating😄 Have a great weekend!
Response: Thank you so much for your sweet comment and rating! It makes me so happy! Have a great weekend!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart and your sweet words, have a great weekend!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the rating and the heart! Love that we are doing a second one!
Response: Double thanks! I'd love to do a swap too. Will you make one or shall I? Have a great weekend!
Response: Thanks so much for your comment and rating, it makes me so happy:)
Response: Yay! And ...oops Swedish:) Thanks for translating! I'd love to penpal! Have a great weekend!
Groetjes Barbara
Response: That makes me so happy!
Response: You make me blush:) and very happy! Thanks for your sweet comment and rating!
Response: Thanks so much for your sweet comment and rating...That makes MY day:)
Response: Yay, that makes me so happy! Thanks!
Response: Thanks for the sweet rating and heart. Have fun creating!
Response: Thank you, that was quick! I was not aware I was finished already:)) Have a great weekend!
Response: Oh no! I'm so sorry, I feel so bad😳. It is so kind of you to give me this sweet rating anyway. Important lesson learned... Best wishes!
Response: Yay, so happy it arrived and made you happy! Thanks!
Response: Thank you! You are so sweet!😊
Response: Thanks for the heart! I'll PM soon for our kidsswap, fun!
Response: Thank you!!! Your sweet comment makes me so happy! I am a tiny bit worried because I had sent the brown one 5 days before....Hope it will arrive soon!
Response: Thanks for your rating and heart! I'll PM:) A great October to you too!
Response: Dankjewel! Ik wist het ook niet hoor, zo leer je nog eens wat😄
Response: Joehoe, ik dan ook weer blij natuurlijk! Sorry dat je zo lang op je rating moet wachten...
Response: Thank you! Very happy you liked it! I had a little trouble parting with it but it is called trading card for a reason of course😄
Response: thank you for the heart!
Response: So happy it made you happy! Thanks for theâ¤ï¸
Response: Thank you! A great week to you too!
Response: Dankjewel voor de FB-uitnodiging en het hartje, ik ben al druk bezig met verzamelen inderdaad:) Dat was toch dat kinderboeken/speelgoedwinkeltje in de Boschstraat? Dat staat me ook nog wel bij ja. Ik had ook erg veel gekocht die dag! Fijne avond!
Response: You are so welcome! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Maybe because it is an oldy? Thanks so much for the â¤ï¸!
Response: Joehoe, graag gedaan! = yay, you are welcome! Thanks for the â¤ï¸
Response: thanks! It was fun to recognize my mail on instagram😄
Response: Thanks for the sweet words and the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart! If you translate it's hedge sparrow, I guess it's a sparrow who loves hedges:)) Oops, lol! Thanks for the update!
Response: Thanks!! I had so much fun drawing because it's not something I draw every day:)
Response: So happy you liked it and with your generous rating!
Response: So glad you like it! Speedy is always a nice surprise. Thanks for the ♥ï¸
Response: Yay! Thanks for the rating and the haert!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart and the sweet comment!
Response: That's so good to hear, I wish you lot's of fun creating! Thank you for the rating and heart.
Response: O nou maak je me nog nieuwsgieriger naar hosten:) Bedankt voor het hartje!
Response: Blij dat je de kaart leuk vind. Hij hoefde niet heel ver:) Dank voor het hartje!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart! Very happy about a letter back from you...even if it's not crossed:))
Response: So sweet of you to say! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: Yay! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Response: That makes me so happy! I'm always glad if I have the perfect card to send. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thank you for my very first rating and the heart!!!